底本はこちら。翻訳者はJay Rubinです。
Once the plane was on the ground, soft music began to flow from the ceiling speakers: a sweet orchestral cover version of the Beatles’ “Norwegian Wood”.
Once the plane was on the ground, soft music began to flow from the ceiling speakers: a sweet orchestral cover version of the Beatles’ “Norwegian Wood”.
She knew that my memories of her would fade. Which is precisely why she begged me never to forget her, to remember that she had existed.
The thought fills me with an almost unbearable sorrow.
Because Naoko never loved me.
Death exists, not as the opposite but as a part of life.
Death exists, not as the opposite but as a part of life.
My arm was not the one she needed, but the arm of someone else.
My warmth was not what she needed, but the warmth of someone else.
I felt almost guilty being me.
My arm was not the one she needed, but the arm of someone else.
My warmth was not what she needed, but the warmth of someone else.
I felt almost guilty being me.
” It’s not that I don’t believe in contemporary literature,
but I don’t want to waste valuable time reading any book that has not had the baptism of time. Life is too short.”
” It’s not that I don’t believe in contemporary literature,
but I don’t want to waste valuable time reading any book that has not had the baptism of time. Life is too short.”
Nobody likes being alone. I just hate to be disappointed.
” What does it mean to be a gentleman? How do you define it?”
” A gentleman is someone who does not what he wants to do but what he should do.”
” What does it mean to be a gentleman? How do you define it?”
” A gentleman is someone who does not what he wants to do but what he should do.”
「ねえ、私たち反革命なのかしら? 革命が成就したら、私たち電柱に並んで吊されるのかしら?」
” Hey, are we counter-revolutionaries? Are we going to be strung upon telephone poles if the revolution succeeds?”
” Hey, are we counter-revolutionaries? Are we going to be strung upon telephone poles if the revolution succeeds?”
” When it’s raining like this, it feels as if we’re the only ones in the world.
I wish it would just keep raining so the three of us could stay together.”
” When it’s raining like this, it feels as if we’re the only ones in the world.
I wish it would just keep raining so the three of us could stay together.”
” You’re really cute, Midori.”
” What do you mean really cute?”
” So cute the mountains crumble and the oceans dry up.”
” You’re really cute, Midori.”
” What do you mean really cute?”
” So cute the mountains crumble and the oceans dry up.”
” I really like you, Midori. A lot.”
” How much is a lot?”
” Like a spring bear.”
” I really like you, Midori. A lot.”
” How much is a lot?”
” Like a spring bear.”
“ Don’t feel sorry for yourself. Only arseholes do that.”
“ I’ll keep it in mind.” I said. We shook hands and went our separate ways, he to his new world, and I back to my swamp.
僕は今どこにいるのだ? 僕は受話器を持ったまま顔を上げ、電話ボックスのまわりをぐるりと見回してみた。僕は今どこにいるのだ? でもそこがどこなのか僕にはわからなかった。見当もつかなかった。
いったいここはどこなんだ? 僕の目にうつるのはいずこへともなく歩きすぎていく無数の人々の姿だけだった。
Where was I now?
Gripping the receiver, I raised my head and turned to see what lay beyond the phone box. where was I now? I had no idea. No idea at all.
Where was this place? All that flashed into my eyes were the countless shapes of people walking by to nowhere.
Again and again I called out for Midori from the dead centre of this place that was no place.
いったいここはどこなんだ? 僕の目にうつるのはいずこへともなく歩きすぎていく無数の人々の姿だけだった。
Where was I now?
Gripping the receiver, I raised my head and turned to see what lay beyond the phone box. where was I now? I had no idea. No idea at all.
Where was this place? All that flashed into my eyes were the countless shapes of people walking by to nowhere.
Again and again I called out for Midori from the dead centre of this place that was no place.